When the child goes out, it is the world itself that offers itself to him. Let us take the child out to show him real things instead of making objects which represent ideas and closing them in cupboards.
– Maria Montessori
We might not all be enthusiastic outdoor campers or scuba divers, but most of us have at least one favorite place in nature. Because nature is unpredictable, it inspires and surprises us. From a scientific point of view, the fresh air in the woods or a boundaryless view of the ocean provides countless physical and mental benefits. Most parents enjoy taking their children to explore nature—the unorganized playground that gives each individual a unique experience and connection.
Chia’s founders believe deeply in the power of nature and the experiences of Going Out. Before founding Chia Chinese Learning, Cindy and Minfang chose to work in schools that also embrace Going Out as a vital part of the curriculum. Many schools add field trips periodically into the schedule, but the schools that embrace Going Out design the curriculum based on the concept that the classroom is not just a building with a roof. When they discuss the essential practices that engage learning, Going Out is an important learning activity that applies to most of the projects.
While many foreign language instructors prepare loads of learning materials and worksheets, our teachers are walking around the classroom neighborhood to plan a safe and exciting walking tour. If the learning outcomes are about colors, our learners will look at the fall foliage to identify the colors on the leaves and use the leaves as an actual model to blend the colors found in a leaf. If the learning outcomes are about learning to apply the sentences “where is…?” or “Here/There is…”, our learners will have a scavenger hunt in the nearby park to give the learners chances to apply the sentences in a relaxing and exciting environment. Children are naturally creative thinkers, playing a game to use the natural elements found in the forest fires up their incredible imagination to create while immersing them in the language naturally.
Going Out is not limited to a walk in nature. It can be to plan a trip to the museum, checking navigation tools to get directions to the supermarket…Chia Chinese Learning offers experiential learning which makes going out even more meaningful to educate the whole child in preparation for the future problem-solvers and risk-takers they will become. To this end, our learners always look forward to “going to Chinese class.” They might not even realize they’re learning; they just have fun while listening and speaking Chinese!